Karl-Heine-Straße 99, 04229 Leipzig +49 (0) 3 41 - 48 03 172 info@tz-leipzig.de YouTube | Facebook
For more than 40 years, competitive swimmers highly appreciate the results you can achieve with a TZ flume used for training and
Compared to still water, streaming water offers many valuable benefits. It is measureable, reproducible, highly efficient and, at the
This innovative counter-current pool fulfills specific requirements of smaller health institutions for rehabilitation, fitness, swimming
The canoeing flume at the Olympic training centre in Potsdam is worldwide unique in its kind. Water flow speeds of up to 6.50 m/s
One of our objectives at the TZ Leipzig is to adapt our counter-current pools to have animals benefit from the unique streaming
TZ Leipzig research and development projects as cooperation and joint projects