River Bath with Flume Bern Aqua/Westside

Reference - River bath Bernaqua in Bern

The River Bath with Flume Bernaqua/Westside ...

River Bath in amusement Park Bernaqua / Westside
River Bath in amusement Park Bernaqua / Westside

... in the water park Bernaqua/Westside is an absolute highlight of the TZ portfolio of counter-current pools and flumes.

Featuring different water flow speeds, a remarkable length, and geysers as the ultimate kick – this cutting-edge river pool provides you with a one-of-the-kind natural experience. You feel like swimming in a real river, competing with its strength. Contrary to natural rivers, the TZ river pool’s speed can be gradually and continuously controlled ranging form 0.1 to 1.6 m/s. Equipped with proven TZ technology, speeds can be exactly reproduced. At the same time, our engineers have designed springs and sinks to imitate swirls and whirls. With these unique features most different objectives can be met with this TZ pool.

Year after year, many people, in particular children, drown because they cannot swim and/or have not been familiarised with the real conditions in open water. That is why ensuring water safety is such an essential task for manufacturers of counter-current pools.

In a city such as Bern, featuring a river with sometimes very strong and unpredictable currents, it is a big advantage if “swimmers-to-be” take part in classes that teach swimming under nature-like conditions. The river pool provides fantastic training possibilities for water rescue service members or athletes wishing to obtain a lifeguard training.

Swimmers, who want to test or continuously increase their physical performance, swear by the unique conditions in this TZ river pool to make them become strong swimmers. For those of you who want a better fitness combined with pure enjoyment of relaxation and general well- being this markable river pool is exactly what you want.

Fitness and relaxation as well as well-being
Fitness and relaxation as well as well-being

Technical Specifications:

Pool Size:
25,0 m x 12,0 m x 1,35 m (L x W x D)

Flow Width: 5,0 m

Flow Rate: 0 - 1,6 m/s

Driver: 2 Drivers each 55 kW

Additional Equipment:
Control and Measuring Computers
5 Geysers

Realization: 2008

